Sunday SchoolWhat is Sunday school like?
All teaching is based on the Bible. The Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, is used to help students understand the Bible and to apply this understanding to meet life’s challenges. The Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Sermon on the Mount are basic to all Sunday school study. Each student attends a small class according to his/her age group. Teaching methods and topics depend on students’ maturity and interests. Some classes will discuss and research a particular topic. Others may use videos, games, songs, or storytelling as learning aids. Teachers tailor their classes to the needs of their students. In all classes, it is important that students feel free to ask any questions they may have. The atmosphere of each class is warm, friendly, and respectful so that students can express their ideas and concerns freely. Utilizing the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, the class can join in finding practical, constructive answers to students’ questions. What is the general routine of the Sunday School hour? Students and teachers join the church service to sing the first hymn. They then adjourn to another room, where they join in a circle to read the Golden Text and Responsive Reading from the current Bible Lesson. After this, there are a few moments of silent prayer, after which all pray together the Lord’s Prayer. Next, students go to their respective classes. When Sunday school is over, students and teachers again join the church congregation for the closing of the service. TMC Youth
DiscoveryBoundDiscoveryBound provides year-round fellowship for Christian Scientists and their friends. Together, they see Christian Science in action. DiscoveryBound’s fellowship supports church by providing an environment where everyone is free to share how they are studying and living Christian Science, and to develop relationships that nurture this commitment.
Through local chapters, regional and national events, and leadership programs, DiscoveryBound provides an opportunity to continue the meaningful connections, inspiration and atmosphere found at Christian Science camps. The National Leadership Council is a multi-year leadership program for high school students. It is dedicated to “fostering spiritual growth, leadership qualities, and a service perspective on life.” It is run by DiscoveryBound, a subsidiary of Adventure Unlimited. Teens who attend Christian Science Sunday School can apply for the program in the fall semester of their 8th grade year. Classes of 20 participants are formed; these are shepherded by class leaders and local mentors through their senior year. Each year, the class has monthly conference calls, a 10–14 day summer experience, and several weekend events. Every student participates in the Congressional Award, which requires certain hours of volunteer service, personal development, physical fitness, and exploration/expedition. Sunday School for children of all ages |
MyBibleLesson.comMyBibleLesson.Com is an engaging spiritual resource for teens and young adults. Its purpose is to help them dive deeper into their spiritual study and find practical ways to apply what they're learning.
Summer CampsSummer Camps are very popular with the kids. There are several Christian Science camps:
These camps are open to any youth attending Christian Science Sunday School. Financial aid for attending these camps is available from The Campership Fund. Many of these camps also have adult and family programs. The Principia is a school for Christian Scientists located in St. Louis, Missouri (Pre-K through Grade 12) and Elsah, Illinois (4-year Liberal Arts College). It was founded in 1898 by Mary Kimball Morgan, and today has about one thousand young people enrolled on its two campuses as both day students and boarders. Students receive an outstanding education in an environment that fosters sound moral values and spiritual growth. A Lifelong Learning component has been added for adults. This component includes resident sessions on the College campus, group travel trips abroad and distance learning courses.
More Information about The Principia The Albert Baker Fund provide loans, scholarships and grants to assist Christian Scientists around the world who want to further their education at the university level or enter into the field of Christian Science nursing. The fund encourages each of its recipients to “pass the blessing forward” by contributing to the Christian Science Movement and its communities and the world.