Sunday Service![]() Our Sunday morning service is held from 10:30 to 11:30; Sunday School is at the same time. Child care is provided for the very young children.
You will find our services to be friendly, joyful, and informal with casual dress the norm. The order of services includes a warm greeting, singing, prayer and a sermon based on the Weekly Bible Lesson, all following the guidelines of The Manual of The Mother Church. We generally sit in a semi-circle while the Weekly Bible Lesson is read by two lay readers. The two readers are volunteers from among our members and are members of The Mother Church. The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, serve as our pastor and guide. Sunday School![]() Sunday school, like the church service, begins at 10:30 a.m. and is open to all young people up to the age of 20. Classes are divided into small groups. Lessons and teaching methods are customized according the ages and interests of students attending. Using the Bible, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and the weekly Bible Lesson as the basis, teachers help students learn about their relationship to God, and help them understand to apply the teachings of Christian Science in making choices and solving problems in their everyday lives. We value our youth, and incorporate them into church activities as much as possible. They participate in the opening of the church service each week before they adjourn to the Sunday school. When Sunday school finishes, Sunday school students rejoin the church group for the closing of the service. Learn more about our Sunday School Wednesday Evening Testimony Meeting![]() We come together each week on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm to hear brief readings composed of citations from the Bible and Science and Health. The readings are oriented to the occasion and the needs of the community. The major portion of the meeting is open to the group both at the meeting and those dialing in via teleconference. During this time individuals share insights and healings they have had as a result of applying the teachings of Christ Jesus, as understood in Christian Science.
Thanksgiving Service
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Teleconference Dial-inIf you can't make it to our services or meetings but would like to listen in, you may conference call in by dialing:
Join the teleconference using an app on your phone or tablet. To see how, click here.
If you want to join online, simple go to Although you may continue to access our services by dialing in as you have done in the past, WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND AND REQUEST that you connect via WiFi using the app so that the sound will be improved and clearer for all participants. Our informal church services and Sunday School are held at the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida Leadership Center, centrally located near the Tampa International Airport. 4610 Eisenhower Blvd., Tampa, Florida
Readers at our ServicesOur members share the privilege of reading at both the Sunday service and the Wednesday evening meeting. Any member of The Mother Church is eligible to read. We have found that the sharing of this opportunity on a weekly basis has blessed each of us. We are guided in the responsibilities of reading by the requirements in The By-Laws of The Mother Church, Article III, Sections 1 through 7.
Weekly Bible LessonEvery day, Christian Scientists around the world read and study the weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson. This lesson instructs, inspires, and heals. It is also the basis of our Sunday church service.
The Bible Lesson consists of carefully selected passages from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Find out for yourself how daily spiritual study can have a positive healing impact in your life. The Wednesday meeting from The Mother Church in Boston is available online live starting at 2:00 PM Eastern Time each Wednesday, and is available for 24 hours afterwards. You can also participate in the Church lobby informal chat after the service.
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